10/03/2006 |
9/27/2006 |
9/11/2006 |
Eagles Notes = Victory |
The sweet smell of victory is back in Eagles Land. Sure, we beat the Houston Texans but that team has had some pretty big upsets on opening day. Plus considering the Eagles won 2 of their last 10 games last season, it ws nice to getting started. The only thing that made yesterday truly sweet was the Cowgirls and Giants both lost. (Let the Terrell Ownes Drama begin.)
+ TO who? TO is among the best players in the league and a threat every time he steps on the field, however Stallworth looked great, got open and made one fine diving catch. Kudos to Stallworth for getting up to speed on the playbook quickly.
+ Westbrook looked like the weapon he is, although while I want him returning punts because he is a threat every time he touchs the ball, I do not want him to take more hits than he has too. Regardless, he looked great, especially on a the touchdown drive in the 3rd quarter where he touched the ball 7 of 8 plays.
+ McNabb looks like he shaked off the cobwebs and is back to his Pro-Bowl form, even running for a first down on a third and long play. This team will go as far as he can take them.
+ The coaching staff finally realized what a few running plays can do. The ability to run play action allowed Stallworth to be wide open for the first touchdown. It also allowed misdirection plays that sprung Westbrook and Buckhalter for big runs.
- Lito Shepard is hurt enough where he may be out this week against the Giants. That's not great considering the WR's the Giants possess.
- The defense was not nearly as dominant as they could have been. They allowed Carr a perfectly executed drive to open the game and put themselves in the whole. It took Ried benching the entire D line for the second series to wake them up. They can not come out sluggish against the Giants. Additionally, they only picked up 5 sacks against a quarterback whose middle name is "On His Back".
All in all a B+ from me and hope for this season.
Posted by
Paul @
10:15 AM
9/03/2006 |
Santorum is Behind This Guy? |
I wonder what is going through peoples' minds when they choose Casey over Santorum. I can understand Casey's friends and family voting for him, but this guy has no ideas, no plans except raise taxes. In this morning debate on Meet the Press with Tim Russert, Casey looked amateurish at best. Santorum presented clear strategies and offered answers to the questions that were presented to him, something Casey seemed unwilling to do during the entire debate. However when Casey did try to present some semblance of ideas, they were foolhardy at best.
Let's look at some of Casey's better ideas.
1) Pull the troops out of Iraq and double the number of Special Forces. Mr. Casey, in my mind, if you double the number of Special Forces, then they are no longer all that special. There is a reason why there are number limits to the men in the Seals, Rangers, Airborne, etc. They are the best and the brightest. THEY ARE SPECIAL!!!!!
When Russert asked "(By Pulling out of Iraq) What if leave behind a haven for terrorists?"
Casey's response ". . . (Insert sounds of crickets here)" No answer, merely deflecting to questions about body armor and WMD's.
2) On Iran, Santorum authored the Freedom of Support Act and is trying to push it past the Senate. If you are not familiar with this, think of what Reagan did in Poland.
Casey's plan, do everything possible. Like what, more rhetoric? Again, no clear ideas. Merely banter trying to get Santorum to denounce Cheney for not supporting sanctions over a decade ago. Santorum said he disagreed with him, Casey wants him to denounce Cheney. Let's look at the difference per www.merriamwebster.com:
Denounce - to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
Disagree - to differ in opinion
Santorum has to work with Cheney, I am glad he saw through this semantic ambush by Casey.
3) The budget and social security. I put these two together because Casey's plan is basically the same; Raise Taxes. I will admit, I like how Casey uses the English Language. He calls a tax raise, savings for the government. But let's look at what is really is, Socialist Income Distribution. When asked, he would not claim to cut a single program, or be as he said "more fiscally responsible" except to raise taxes on people making more than $200,000 and increasing the death tax. Then he claims to want to save social security by growing the economy. Well, how can the economy grow, if you pull money out of it by increasing taxes.
Then Casey goes on to blame the republicans for the "Problem" social security. Per Casey, its not a crisis, it is a problem. (There's the semantics again.) Maybe it is not a crisis for you Mr. Casey, but it is for me. I'm 31 and wonder where the money I put into the fund will be. I digress, he blames the republicans because there was no social security problem in the 90's. Russert rightly put him into his place by stating the 40 million baby boomers were not set to retire in the 90's. No answer from Casey.
From the Casey website, "On Meet the Press debate this morning, Bob Casey sat side-by-side with Rick Santorum and Bob Casey showed that he has the new ideas and new direction to win in November." This was obviously written before the debate occurred.
Casey is out of touch and has no clue what so ever. I can see why Casey picked this weekend for the debate, he hoped most people on the east side of the state would be down the shore and people in the rest of the state would be doing other things during the holiday weekend. There is a reason why he has lost 3 election bids in the last 6 years. Wake up people of PA, Casey is bad for the state and worse for the country.
Posted by
Paul @
11:30 AM
9/01/2006 |
Crime in Philly. . . Raj's Solutions |
Two nights ago, there were 8 shootings in Philadelphia that resulted in 3 deaths. Granted if you geographically look at the crimes in the city, they are centered in specific areas. But those areas are quickly expanding and growing like kudzu, choking and destroying anything in its grasp.
Last night was an interesting night for me. I attended a Rally for Raj held at Cannstadters in Northeast Philly, where the primary focus was on crime and what Raj's plan is to help stop the influx of crime in the Northeast. I also read an article in the Northeast Breeze about what Alyson Schwartz, the D incumbent is (more like is not) doing about crime.
Any Philadelphian knows, John Street hates the Northeast. His disdain is obvious as revenge for the total lack of support this section gave him in both elections. Even the largely D Union strongholds went so strongly for Katz, it created a thorn in his side. So he and fellow D Schwartz continue to ill-represent their constituents in the Northeast in regards to the rise in crime.
Case in point, Schwartz secured a grant of nearly $220,000 for crime fighting measures. What does she do, not add patrols, not enlarge prisons, not even reform programs to keep convicted criminals off the streets. She added 2 Federal prosecutors and 1 Gun Crime Specialist to Philadelphia Police. Sure, they'll be able to devote more man hours to the judicial system, but the problem is, there are not enough police to catch the criminals in the first place, and if they are caught, they are allowed to continue walking the streets because the prisons are at capacity. Thanks for nothing Schwartz. Typical D move, all flair no substance.
What can a congressman do about crime in their district? Raj has a solid plan that will help.
1) End Section 8 Housing. Section 8 is a abomination on American Society. It creates absentee landlords just looking for a buck, perpetuates the lack of homeownership and lack of neighborhood pride, and increases crime. Section 8 needs to go away and Raj promised that he would never vote in favor of a Section 8 funding bill.
2) Utilize homeland security funds to fight crime at home. "What good is it to fight a war and secure a country in the Middle East, when we are not secure on our own streets." Valid point, and while Raj supports the troops and actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, we need help here.
3) Work to end the bickering in Congress that stops critical legislation and strengthens the enemy. Republican or D, we are all Americans.
CB Kimmons, a community activist, and Greg Bucceroni, of the Guardian Angels, also spoke. They reiterated the need for a change in the city and that the current city administration and representation in Congress are not getting it done. Bucceroni went so far as to say that during the last election, he supported and voted for Schwartz. After her election, he was insignificant because he is from Frankford. Bucceroni, a native New Yorker, went so far as to say the Raj reminds him of Rudy Giullani before he was elected mayor. Those are strong words and strong praise to be compared to Giuliani.
Bucceroni also said it best, "I am a registered Democrat, and I voted for Alyson Schwartz, but come election day, I'll be voting for Raj."
Posted by
Paul @
8:12 PM
8/11/2006 |
8/09/2006 |
Fallout From Lieberman Loss |
Is there political fallout from the Lieberman loss? Absolutely yes!
Lieberman was an old generation democrat, and I respected him. We did not agree on everything, but the man had conviction and I believed that when he was in the Senate Chambers, he was truly voting for what he felt was right, not his party line. Why did he lose? Because his opponent bashed Bush and is against the war on terror. Lieberman says he will run as an independent. I hope he does, and wins!
“But Lieberman, undaunted, vowed to run as an independent against fellow Democrat Ned Lamont. "For the sake of our state, our country and my party, I cannot and will not let that result stand," he said of Tuesday's Democratic primary results.”
Democrats better wake up to see what is happing to their party. It is not the party of the working class anymore, it has turned into a group of far leftists. What happened to the Democratic Party of my parent’s generation? Men, with whom even if you disagreed, you respected. JFK and Harry Truman are distant memories and poster boys for today’s democrat. JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” Great words that should ring true for all Americans regardless of their place on the political spectrum, except for the liberals today. They take, and beat down and disgrace this great nation. What you have is a group of 60’s radicals, hell bent on converting this representative democracy into a socialist state. They have polarize the young people and filled their heads with the utopian pipe dreams of their former generation and are using the war in Iraq as kindling for the bonfire they will use to consume this great country. Entitlements will increase, taxes will go up, border security will be near non-existent and we will retreat in the war on terror.
The Republicans better wake up to the fact that winning is November will not be easy. The base must be polarized to get out and vote, and with less than 100 days to go I am not seeing that.
Mark my words, if the democrats win both houses of congress, and then win the residency in ’08 it will be the beginning of the Dark Ages of American History.
Posted by
Paul @
10:11 AM